This is new domain and a new web site.

Because I am sick of Wordpress and the old domain too.
I wanted to move away from those long time ago, so the move has begun.

Nothing is ready here yet, the moving is in progress, it's welter all around and only few features do work.
For example, account registration doesn't work yet.
But account access recovery does work, so if you had any post or comment on the old web site, even not approved, you can enter your email address into the account recovery form, recover it and post comment here.

And if you had published posts, even post new posts.
There are no strict and concrete plans, but I've decided so far:
  • The web site will be multilingual. English and Russian languages are already supported, the rest will be added if there's demand.
  • It will look and work well on any size screens. So far it only works well on larger screens.
  • Minimal amount of JavaScript.
  • No anonymous posting. Anonymity brings too much spam.
  • Third party service registration will happen eventually.
  • Registrations using phone number won't happen.
  • TOTP will be used for more better account security.
  • No registration will be required for reading the majority of stuff.
  • A forum will happen.
  • Nickname highlights and other visual effects for virtual currency.
  • No third party image hosting images will be allowed. Because they all die eventually and also privacy.
  • We will not become a social network.
  • This will be our final form. It will grow and evolve, but I won't nuke it. For real this time.

Already implemented:
  • A blog with a ton of old articles, some transladed, many require editing.
  • BBCode.
  • Article comments, no longer branching.
  • Comment replies, only post authors mods and admins can reply to comments.
  • Albums with pictures.
  • Avatars.
Written by: Goury