

TOTP Authentication

This website supports time-based one-time passwords as an additional factor of authentication.
While it is optional with a few exceptions, it is highly recommended.
To set it up, go to the account control panel and follow the instructions.


This is our virtual currency, it is required for many features and also can be sent with a message to a user who had confirmed email address.
Its purpose is to reward users for monetarily supporting the website and to let them support users they like.
To buy gold, follow the link under the gold indicator in the account widget, enter your desired amount and make a payment.
Please only do so if you want to support the project, this payment will be considered a donation and is not refundable.

Profile personalization

You can choose yourself a display name and a picture (Gravatar).
You can also write something about yourself.
In the future, there will be more things you'll be able to do to personalize your profile.
If you choose to not open your profile to public, most of these things will not be displayed to others.

Things that can be shown to others currently:


A picture next to your display name is Gravatar.
Gravatars are only displayed for those who had confirmed their email addressees.
Otherwise it will be a default picture.
If you don't have one, a random monster picture will be generated for you.
If you want one, go to Gravatar and upload one.
Gravatars here are stored locally and updated every once in a while, so, if you change yours, it will take some time to show.

Social network accounts

Third party accounts can be linked to your account.
These accounts can be used to authenticate and log in to your account.
You can see the list of linked third party accounts in the control panel.

Currently, a third party account is linked to a new account that is created if you choose to use said third party account instead of registration.
In the future it will be possible to link third party accounts to an already existing account.
You can unlink third party accounts if you want.

News and events feed

I am too lazy to make an option to opt out of this, sorry.
You may very rarely receive an email message about something an administrator thought is necessary to notify everybody.
You will be able to unsubscribe from these messages using List-Unsubscribe token that will be attached to each such message.
If you absolutely have to opt out of this before receiving your first message, you can request this by sending a message through the feedback form.



To be able to submit a post to the blog, a user must be flagged as an author.
If you want to become an author, send me a request.
Authors can only submit drafts, for a draft to become visible it must be published by a publisher.
Authors can only edit a post while it's not published, but a corrector can edit it after.

A post can be associated with one or many categories and tagged with tags.
Currently, users can not create these, if there's a category or a tag you need that doesn't exist yet, please send me a request.

Only local images are allowed in posts, for many reasons including privacy and third party image hosting services dying faster than this community.
That's good for you, you may rest assured no one is tracking you while you're looking at pictures here.
But not for me or authors, because storage is expensive and limited, so uploading a picture costs some gold.


Users can comment blog posts and even have discussions.
Anyone can submit a comment, but it will not be visible until it is approved by a moderator.
Once you have a comment approved, new comments you submit will be visible without need of approval.
Comments are not tree-like, you can only comment a post, not another comment.
Post's author, moderators, correctors, publishers and administrators can reply to comments.
These replies are displayed next to the comment and are visually distinct from other comments.

A comment can be edited by its author, but only for a short period of time after it was submitted and only if it's still the last one.


Only registered users are allowed to vote.
You may or may not be able to vote in a poll.
You may or may not be able to see poll's results before it is finished.
A poll may allow you to select only one or multiple options.
While voting is not anonymous, your vote is considered private.
You may not withdraw or change your vote.


You can upload pictures and tag them with tags.
These can be used in posts.
An author doesn't have to use own pictures in posts, any picture uploaded by anyone can be used in any post.


Currently, these are only used for notifications.
A message is a piece of information associated with another account.
If you have any unread messages, an indicator will be displayed in the account widget.
In the future messages will be used for great many things and you will be able to receive email notifications about them.

Message board

A place where users can have threaded discussions.
Discussion threads are sorted by categories.
Categories are defined by the administration.
You can start a new thread or add a reply to an existing one.
Threads and replies currently do not require moderator's approval.


List-Unsubscribe header is supported, and you can unsubscribe from any list you are receiving messages for.
Unsubscribing from one list will not prevent you from reveiving messages from other lists.
For example, if you unsubscribe from mew messages notifications, you will still reveive messages about gold and account recovery.
If you had confirmed your email address (which you absolutely should do), you will be able to see what lists you are unsubscribed from and a button to undo unsubscription in the control panel.
It is possible to lock yourself out by unsubscribing from the account related list, resulting in no account recovery email messages being sent no matter how hard you try to recover the account.
You can submit an unsubscription undo request using the feedback form in this case.

Feedback form

This is the most direct way to contact the administration.
Please do not abuse this form, real and very busy people will read every message sent through it.
The rule of thumb is, if you can submit your message somewhere else other than the feedback form, you probably should submit it there first.
However, if you absolutely have to, please do use the form.