Last updated: 10th of August 2024.
This my website, I can do with it what I want.
There's no democracy and no constitution here.
I don't owe anyone anything, and you can't demand nor expect anything from me or the website.
These terms may sometimes change, I'll try to notify everyone affected, but no promises.
You don't need an account to access most of the information on this website.
An account is required to submit anything and to access some private areas of the website.
Everyone is welcome to create an account as long as they agree to these terms.
An account and everything submitted is part of the website.
Unless marked otherwise, everything on this website falls under one or multiple of these categories:
Regardless of the license, by submitting anything, you grant me unlimited and irrevocable right to treat the submission as a part of the website.
Don't be an asshole.
If you see an asshole, please do not take any action other than notifying a moderator.
We don't like assholes here.
I respect your privacy and I do not take it lightly.
I do not share your private data with anyone, except in following cases:
I am not liable for anything and do not warrant anything.
While I am not legally bound by the DMCA or the GDPR, I do respect those
and I do not tolerate users of the website breaking any laws.
You may submit a claim or a complaint about any such violations to the domain owner and he will try his best to resolve the issue.
When you register an account here, the website queries Gravatar's API for a set of images associated with your email address.
As soon as you confirm ownership of it, this set of images will be displayed in some parts of the website associated with your account.
These images are stored locally and are refreshed every once in a while.
You may choose to use Google as your authentication provider. In this case the website will redirect you to Google's OAuth 2.0 page specific to this website. You will be prompted to authenticate and authorize the website to receive your email address and your name.
This information will be used to create a local account for you, it will not have password, and your email address will be used as its username. It will not be possible to log into that account using username and password.
You will be able to set a password using account recovery system later.
If a local account with matching email address already exists and is linked with your Google account, you will be logged into that account. If it is not linked with your Google account, your authentication attempt will be denied.
You won't have to confirm your email address if you choose Google.
Basically it's the same as Google, but you'll have to confirm your email address manually.